In your work to start a business, you are contemplating having a web page to show your clients the services or products. However, we understand that you have doubts about who will own the domain of the website that you will open, and for that reason, here we will help you know how it works.
Before you start, you should consider the name it will bear because it has to maintain an association with your brand to be easily remembered.
If you want to know its availability, you can enter this link, where you can check if using the domain you want is possible. We will take you by the hand by contracting one of our plans until your business has an internet presence.
Knowing what characters are the ones that make up a website, we share that when you purchase your domain, it will belong to you until it expires.
The TecWeb team will be able to help you verify your name″s availability and take you step by step with the purchase of the domain and the development of the textual and visual content you require. Among the endings that exist, you can count on some, such as (.com), (.net), (.org), (.us), (.ca), or (, and the best thing is that it will have no cost during the first year of service.
Allow TecWeb to provide you with the communication and technology solutions your business requires. We also have SEO plans to help your site rank in search engines.
Having a website opens up a range of opportunities for your company to have a greater reach. Achieve your goals, and do not hesitate to hire one of our hosting and domain packages for your website: Bronze, Gold, Diamond, and Online Store.