Knowledge Base

PHP is the Hypertext Preprocessor, and it was initially designed to obey the action of its initial translation, the Personal Home Page. That is, its primary function is to allow the creation of personal Web pages. Today, this programming language is used to develop a website″s backend (server) to achieve the operation of the set of actions that make up a website.



What is its characteristic?


Unlike other programming languages, PHP adheres to HTML and runs directly from the server to reach the client. For his part, the client will receive the programming information as script and not in code, which will be invisible to those who browse a site.



What is the PHP language used for?


PHP allows adding different functionality to the static naturalness of HTML, connecting elements of a Web page with specific data to allow the change of content according to user requests. In other words, according to the demands of the users, the server will send (from its database) the information that it requests so that it can be viewed on the consulted page.





  1. It has an open-source language.
  2. It is used in many databases because it facilitates its integration with them.
  3. It helps prevent computer attacks, offering developers a high level of security.
  4. Browsers accept its cross-platform language.
  5. It can be used in simple and complex projects, as it has an easy-to-learn syntax.
  6. You can work with a large amount of data.





  1. The source code of the developed pages cannot be hidden, but it is not inconvenient to work with this language.
  2. The user experience may be affected as the PHP scripts are a bit slow to work, but the developer can fix it from the website cache.
  3. Its high level of security implies a complex but not impossible configuration.


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