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The user experience enrichment is given thanks to the combination of programming languages such as jQuery and JavaScript.



JQuery is a library that allows adding a layer of interaction between the Web site and the developed applications to create animations and interactivity that improve the user experience. It is also free and open-source software whose design makes it easy for Web page developers to navigate and use the necessary plugins for their projects.



What can be done with jQuery?


With jQuery, you can do more by writing less; developers can focus on achieving low-level interaction and animation and have advanced effects and high-level widgets without having to resort to such complex algorithms or extensive code; these Elements can select in the DOM.


The jQuery library optimally fulfills the function of explaining this language″s tools, which, among many others, is to write less code. This allows a considerable decrease in programming errors.



jQuery Features


  • jQuery builder. The constructor is an overloaded function that allows developers to access the DOM elements corresponding to the query made, for example:


jQuery(″h2″).css(″color″, ‘red’’);


  • Work in groups (implicit iteration). Finding multiple matches and applying modifications to each element in a single statement can be done with jQuery because the consults on this language are done through implicit iteration.



Advantages of jQuery


  • The jQuery language offers excellent advantages for developers as it allows queries on the DOM structure of the web and also customizes the styles and effects based on the defined events.


  • jQuery also allows you to nest queries and run functions with different methods, which serve as an example for developers, who can validate forms before submitting them.


At TecWeb, all our developments are from scratch to offer your customers the best user experience when they visit your website. If you still do not have an Internet domain, we invite you to hire one of our plans, contact our specialists and join the TecWeb family.



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