Knowledge Base

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a standard text-based data format of JavaScript, and is used to represent structured data in JavaScript object syntax. Developers use it to transmit data in web applications, such as sending data from the server to the client, which is displayed directly on the web page. It resembles JavaScript´s object literal syntax but can be used independently.



JSON strings will be used to transmit data through a network. First, it will be necessary to convert these strings into native objects to call them parsing. On the other hand, when looking to convert a native object to a line to transfer it over a network, it will be called stringification. JSON objects will be stored as text files with the extension .json and a MIME type (en-US) of application/JSON.



JSON structure


The structure of the JSON is practically a string that resembles that of the literal objects of JavaScript, and the data included in it can be just strings, numbers, arrays, booleans, matrices, and things, to hierarchize the data entered.



Main features


  • JSON is just a data format.


  • When building string and property names in JSON, you need to use double quotes since single quotes will be invalid.


  • If you type characters like a misplaced or comma, it can cause a file not to work. It is essential to validate the data entered to avoid programming errors.


  • In JSON, only quoted strings can be used as properties.



What is JSON used for in programming?


JSON works to exchange data and is used when a system is required to display or send information for other systems to read and interpret since, as mentioned, it is only a file that contains structured data and is used to transfer information in systems.



How does JSON work?


As both the sender and the receiver are independent, for example, JAVA and Python, JSON will help to make information sharing possible since they have their encoding and decoding libraries for strings of that format, since JSON allows to serialize and deserialize objects in most languages.





  • It is self-describing, easy for JavaScript parsers to understand, and the best XML alternative.
  • It is faster than any other browser due to its processing speed and easy reading.
  • It is lighter (in bytes) in transmissions.
  • It parses faster.





  • Its basic notation is somewhat confusing for some developers.
  • Does not have extensibility.
  • It only supports common data.
  • Requires external mechanisms, such as regular expressions, for security.


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